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Experiences that nourish

How to create an engaging digital environment to help educators and families with child nutrition?

The project

The Experiences that Feed II project, carried out by CREN – Center for Nutritional Recovery and Education – was created with the aim of expanding and disseminating food and nutrition education (EAN) activities in Early Childhood Education Centers (CEIs).


We were hired to redesign and improve the user journey on the Experiences that Feed II platform, a digital environment that aims to form a network of sharing experiences about child nutrition and helping educators and families with up-to-date information, ideas and experiences so that they can use with little ones.

Areas of expertise

Visual identity review



Web site


For the website's identity, we worked with combinations generated from mixing primary colors. Thus, we created a colorful and cheerful palette.


The graphics bring elements from the child's universe, such as scribbles, pencil strokes and have a texture that refers toto the materials used to draw.

Platform impact


families participating in the project

The project aims to promote the training of educated50 CEIs in São Miguel Paulista that serve approximately6,000 families.



We can help you identify what your company or  product needs, choosing the best path to boost your brand with a lot of creative energy

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